Sunday, October 18, 2009


Not really a fan of Wong Faye but a big fan of her lyrics writer--Lin Xi.


While the prince chooses his darling 王子挑选宠儿
The coat searches for its mannequin 外套寻找它的模特儿
Piles of glass shoes 那么多的玻璃鞋
Many suitable feet 有很多人适合
Not one a unique match 没有独一无二
Whose Angie am I 我是谁的安琪儿
Whose mannequin am I 你是谁的模特儿
Darling, darling 亲爱的亲爱的
Let me act in concert with you 让你我好好配合
Let's take our pick slowly 让你我慢慢选择
If you are happy and so will I 你快乐我也快乐
You are a mannequin while I am 你是模特儿我是
Chanel Chanel Chanel Chanel Chanel 香奈儿香奈儿香奈儿香奈儿香奈儿

The lips taking its pick on colours 嘴唇挑选颜色
While feelings in search of its mannequin感情寻找它的模特儿
Clothes hanging in window displays 衣服挂在橱窗
Too many suitable people 有太多人适合
Not one a unique match 没有独一无二
Whose Angie am I 我是谁的安琪儿
Whose mannequin are you 你是谁的模特儿
Darling, darling 亲爱的亲爱的
Let me act in concert with you 让你我好好配合
Let's take our pick slowly 让你我慢慢选择
If you are happy and so will I 你快乐我也快乐
You are a mannequin while I am 你是模特儿我是
Chanel Chanel Chanel Chanel Chanel 香奈儿香奈儿香奈儿香奈儿香奈儿