Rumaging through my belongings--it was like a watching a montage of myself over the years. Flashes of certain scenes or feelings or thoughts passed by before me when my eyes lay upon each item that I choose to discard. They form a certain part of me and as a result, I have always been reluctant to bin things that I have bought, gifts that I have received and cards or letters that I have received. They were evidence of where I am now. Each piece of these items re-ignited a certain part of my memory. Unsurprisingly, the pasts came back in bits and pieces, though I would say, some are clearly more vivid than the others.
If it was not the re-discovery of these items, I am afraid that they will be forever sleeping in a corner of my memory. Only dormant, and so they are not totally lost. Well........
I am still learning the art of relinquishing. Don't be afraid to lose. Treasure the present. If the past must vanish without a trace, there must be something of some form that has formed part of the future.