This cafe advertises a selection of 200 dishes and I am not in the least surprised. The average cafe or to be more accurate "tea canteen", a place where one can have a simple meal and a beverage, in Hong Kong offer at least 60 dishes. I don't frequent this Hong Kong Cafe franchise in Singapore as I find the dishes pricey and I know how affordable they can be in Hong Kong. However, C was enticed by the menu and off we went for a try.
This cafe stays open till 2am and this shows the hectic and vibrant
life-style of the Hong Kongers. It is difficult for a non-ethnic Chinese to tell the differences among regional Chinese cuisines but they
really differ from one region to another. Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and Taiwan and not to mention the provinces within China, each has its own distinctive feature in their local cuisines. In spite of the presence of a large ethnic Chinese population, Hong Kong and Singapore locals enjoy toast (bread doesn't exist in a traditional Chinese cuisine) for their breakfast and sip more coffee than tea--an influence from the colonnial times. Portuguese tarts settled into the Macauese cuisine, and of course with a Chinese twist, and so now we have Portuguese tarts with a selection of almond, pineapple and the traditional flavours.

C took a looooooooong time to decide which dish he would go for.

He went for a black peppered chicken rice that was served with an egg and some vegetables. He loved the cripsy chicken skin even though he hates fats in his food. I went for congee (a Cantonese type of porridge) with pork floss and a sprinkle of sliced ginger and spring onion. In fact, we were not in the least hungry but we finished everything off the bowls. For dessert, I went for steamed payaya with almond cream while C went for something cooler--crushed ice with grass jelly and watermelon. Crushed ice is a good way to combat with hot climate.
All of that cost SGD$30, including service charge and GST and with air-conditioning!